Happy 2023 from Money Abroad!

January 1, 2023

👋🏻 Hey expats, this is Dexter.

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of Money Abroad, my weekly newsletter.

Each week, I'll dive below the surface to bring you fresh tips on building wealth while living abroad. Send me your questions and in return, I’ll do my best to offer actionable, no-BS tips.

Here's a taste of what's coming soon in 2023:

  • How 75 Singapore expats from 22 countries invest and manage their money: real-world examples of their savings, asset allocation, challenges, & personal tips
  • How I automate my expat money system: my monthly schedule across bank accounts, transfers, remittances, bill payments, & investments
  • Common mistakes made by expats, even from seasoned pros that have been working abroad for 5+ years
  • Real-life case studies, myths, charts, memes... and more entertaining & insightful tidbits

For today, I'm keeping things intentionally light so you focus on spending time with your loved ones and gearing up for 2023.

We'll dive headfirst into the fun stuff next week - see you then! 

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Dexter Zhuang

Dexter is the founder of Money Abroad, a website and newsletter on building wealth for global professionals. Over the last 10 years, he's been a product leader, product manager, consultant and coach at companies like Dropbox, Xendit, and growth-stage startups across the US, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. His work has been featured in global publications like Business Insider, CBS, US News & World Report, and Tech in Asia. He graduated from Dartmouth College.

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