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I struggled and felt imposter syndrome building my first side hustles. Now I've made over $100,000 from my side hustles taking 10 hours/week.
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Hi, I'm Dexter

Moving abroad changed everything.

In 2019, I left the US and traveled the world for 1 year as a digital nomad. In 2020, I moved to Singapore. Now, I'm in Mexico City.

Like many high-achievers, I climbed the career ladder. But while I was growing my tech career, I felt like I was fumbling with my money. I chose the default path—chasing a FIRE goal—but it turned out to be an awkward fit for me.

The more I achieved net worth milestones, the more empty and meaningless they felt. The more I asked myself, "Why am I doing this?" I realized I had to reach deep inside for the answers. I felt terrified and anxious.

Fortunately, I leaned into my fears. I talked to friends facing similar challenges; studied masters on managing finances, alternative work, and small business; and experimented with applying what I learned to my own money.

Fast forward to 2023, I launched Money Abroad, helping people uncover alternatives to financial independence. We’ve grown to 6,000+ subscribers, 25,000+ followers, and been featured by global brands like Linkedin Top Voice, Fincon, and Moneysmart.

More importantly, I’ve changed for the better. I've learned FIRE is not the only path. I've discovered a plethora of rich alternatives. I've carved my own independent approach to money, and I'm excited to help others develop their own.

Want to join me? Subscribe to my free newsletter to get started on your journey.

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